Trip to Kalalau, July 26-August 1 2010

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(Australian?) tree fern at Honolulu airport
tree fern at Honolulu airport, detail
island off Kilauea point
Ke'e beach, where the trail begins
Edo and packs, at space rock
Edo and packs, at space rock
view from space rock
view of space rock
close-up of previous picture
view back towards Ke'e beach
view back along the coast
view forward
view forward, toward Kalalau
view back
view from start of Hanakoa valley, and hikers admiring view
kayak and boat
Hanakoa waterfall
Hanakoa waterfall
Hanakoa waterfall and the vertical cliffs around it
Edo and Hanakoa waterfall
Edo and Hanakoa waterfall (feels like flying)
vertical cliffs around Hanakoa waterfall
Hanakoa waterfall
Hanakoa waterfall
Hanakoa valley, from the falls
Hanakoa valley, from the falls
cave near Hanakoa waterfall
Hanakoa valley and bay
Hanakoa valley
Lehua island
view down the dry gulch, with a dyke
sharp peak
mountaintops in the clouds
looking forward
red, green, and blue
dry slopes, wet mountains
hanging valley
looking forward
Kalalau in sight
stream near 8-mile mark
holes in the rocks
looking back
frequent visitors
mountains, green, and eroded slopes
cliff-nesting bird (center of picture)
Pohakuao valley entrance
looking back
wider view of previous picture
Edo is in Kalalau!
mountains across Kalalau
kitchen and shower
same waterfall
camping in the cave (but rocks do fall down)
unusual sand mound at the entrance to a cave
rock formations, caves
Kalalau beach
camping under an arch
arch and beach
split rock, and sunset
split rock, and sunset
rock sculptures in cave
rock sculptures in cave
precarious-looking sculpture on left, prehistoric sculpture at center
more sculptures
sculptures cave
plants growing on overhang
rocks and peak
peak and rocks
looking back at the trail area
overhanging cliff
Kalalau cliffs
sand mound
sand mound
sand mound and cave
Kalalau sunset
Thea and Kevin on Honopū beach
Bob by the waterfall at Honopū
Edo by the waterfall at Honopū
the waterfall at Honopū
the waterfall at Honopū
morning glory flower by the waterfall at Honopū
morning glory flower by the waterfall at Honopū
morning glory flower by the waterfall at Honopū
the second beach at Honopū
the arch at Honopū
the arch at Honopū
the second beach at Honopū
the second beach at Honopū
catamaran coming close
the second beach at Honopū
the second beach at Honopū
the second beach at Honopū
people in the arch
wider view of the previous picture
mountains above Honopū
kayak going past Honopū
mountains above Honopū
the second beach at Honopū
the arch at Honopū
mountains above Honopū
the arch at Honopū
mountains above Honopū
the sand mound forms because wind swirls down from the cliffs!
sand vortices
Edo above heiau
heiau at Kalalau
back of Kalalau valley
Kalalau stream
Edo and Kalalau mountains
Kalalau view
Edo and waterfall
steep mountains
two sticks or trees on the crest
steep mountains
looking up
panorama of Kalalau valley
steep mountains
mountains around Kalalau
mountains around Kalalau
Kalalau beach
big tree
leaves of big tree
steep mountains on all sides of the canyon
waterfall, Edo
waterfall, Edo
entrance to the canyon
plant on ridge above us
same plant, from behind guava
waterfall, ridge, two box canyons
waterfall, ridge, two box canyons
dragonfly on Peg's boot
my tent at Kalalau
paddling near Kalalau
paddling near Kalalau
Om (Aum), in Sanskrit, with shells
Kalalau sunset
Kalalau sunset
(83MB movie)
bold bird in campground
campground after removing my tent
last look at Kalalau beach
last look at box canyon, goodbye Kalalau, a hui hou