Cloudy Sunrise
Beautiful under a cloudy sky
the wind at our back, in our faces
the rain comes and goes
as I admire your eyes
which like your name remind me
of the wrong person
The comfort of the beach on our bare feet
of our words open to each other
the mysterious woods and cliffs
the waves behind the reef
so many people to keep us company
as we walk alone
In the beautiful storm-tossed sunrise
shells, corals, seaweed and rock
kiss our feet which kiss them back
the ultimate steep way
we talk about but don't visit
in our cloudy sunrise
It's fun to think of what if
as I hide in my safe shell
if you, if I, if only we were
not who we are
we might fly this dream
to faraway places
Instead we walk on in peace
beautiful hearts just liking each other
letting go of this sweet moment together
which means no more
than a beautiful memory of you
and a cool, cloudy sunrise