six decades

six long decades
my bones and my teeth and my eyes
miraculously still with me
after all these years

Prima Milano e Genova
Milano che non ricordo
Genova di mare e di monti
e una gatta a cui volevo bene

Roma e Zurigo e Sperlonga e Boston
che fortuna di mare e di monti
sole neve nebbia e di nuovo sole
imparato a baciare e a guidare

Boston, Zurigo, Chapel Hill, Yokohama
tante lingue, persone
studio e lavoro e amore
un mondo meraviglioso

Pittsburgh and Honolulu
married on a ship
divorced by mail
living on a boat, a life of adventure

And Honolulu and Honolulu again and again
Is this my home now?
Beautiful mountains and beautiful sea
another language and another yet

Around the world in 30 days
and again and again
and again in seven months
as my parents get older and die

Here I am getting older
not dead yet
but thinking about
the inevitable future

And the life I have left to live